As of January 1, 2014, the use of hand-held electronic devices while driving is prohibited.
Drivers who are pulled-over for talking or texting on their cell phones while operating a vehicle will be fined $75 for a first offense. Subsequent violations will cost $150 each and may result in suspension of driving privileges.
You can help make our roads safer by getting involved -it is very simple, here are some suggestions:
- Discuss this new law with your family and friends
- Hold educational workshops at work
- Write a letter to your local newspaper
- Educate your kids
Remember that using electronic devices while driving significantly increases your chances of crashing and causing serious injuries to yourself and others.
The law office of Morici, Longo and Associates (MLA LAW) specializes in motor vehicle accidents. If you recently have been in an automobile collision, immediately call our office at (312) 372-9600 to schedule an appointment with one of Chicago’s top attorneys. Or, contact our office by sending an email to